Providence Evictions
research questions
How does the eviction process work?
How can we corroborate and expand upon EvictionLab’s data?
Eviction process is difficult and confusing for tenants.
There is very little information available for tenants.
Judiciary Public Portal search engine geared towards searching for/targeting individuals.
Rhode Island’s record-keeping (lack of addresses online) could be improved.
Eviction Lab’s data (from LexusNexus) appears accurate when compared to our data (from courts).
RI Judiciary Public Portal
methods + process
Going to court records office to look at a sample of cases
Going to eviction court to watch proceedings
Creating one-pagers for tenants going through evictions
potential next steps
Distribute one-pagers
Retrieve more records of tenant’s win/loss ratio + specific landlords who are evicting a lot of people
Look further into evictions in public and private housing
Analyze eviction hotspots at a local/neighborhood level
Amelia Anthony, English ‘22
Christian Cianfarani, Urban Studies & CS ‘20
Lucy Walke, Political Science ‘19
William Yang, Applied Math ‘22
community partners
Kristina Brown
Policy Analyst, HousingWorksRI
Signs of Providence